Saturday, August 29, 2015

Establishing A Positive Classroom Climate

The Importance of Creating a Climate of Caring and Concern:

Teacher student bonding is essential for effective and efficient instruction. As a matter of fact, students respond better to teachers with whom they share cultures, interests, goals and experiences. These students tend to be better behaved and more academically engaged in classroom discussions, assignments and different topics. As I mentioned in the previous activities, teachers must engage in classroom discussions with their students more often and especially at the begining of the year. Teachers can have a little sharing activity where each student speaks about their hobbies and interests. The teacher can kick off the activity by introducing themselves and sharing their hobbies and interests as well.  In addition, it is essential that teachers show that they care about their students because the students can tell when the teacher is motivated and involved. Little things count such as greeting them in the morning with a smile and saying their names. Also taking the time to pronounce their names correctly.  Furthermore, students must feel that they belong in the class and that they are equally valued. This can be done through numerous ways.

To begin, classroom environment and decoration plays a massive role in creating a climate of caring and concern. The set up and decorations should be student centered, meaning that they should be reflective of the students’ backgrounds, hobbies and cultures. The teacher can ask students to make personal posters that include information about their names, nationalities, hobbies, and favorite foods then display it on the windows of the classroom so that other students and the whole community can see them. Things like this make students feel loved and valued.

Seating arrangements and the general set up of the classroom should also be taken into consideration as they play a vital role in creating a climate of caring and concern.  Classroom set up should be done in a way to encourage participation and communication amongst the students and the teacher.  This way, students get to interact more with each other, learn to work in groups and practice eye contact. Students again, will feel that they belong to a group or environment. Classrooms can be set up in tables of 4 students in a form of a square. This method is better than the old conventional methods of “U” seating arrangements that tend to hamper communication and participation. 

Developing classroom climate with students that have different backgrounds and cultures than that of the teacher:

Working with children from different cultural backgrounds can be very challenging, as one must know what different signs or gestures mean in each area of the world.  For instance in American culture, placing your hand on a student’s head is a way to get their attention and also a gesture that represents fondness. However in Asian Buddhist cultures,  the top of the head is where the spirit lives and thus patting or touching that area is considered as to be invasive.  So if a teacher has a culturally diverse classroom they must educate and sensitize themselves on that culture to make them better prepared to interact with the student.  When I was in school I had friends from many cultures and I remember the teacher doing this cool activity. Each month a student from a different culture had to do a little presentation on a type of food that represented their culture and then their parents brought it in the classroom for us to taste. We would also help decorate that classroom with symbols or objects such as flags or clothing that represented that particular countries’ culture. I think this was a great way for the teacher to give value to each culture, which made us students feel special and important.

   So I will definitely be using this method.  Also when the teacher is making their lesson plans, they should take into consideration cultural diversity and how each student can be treated fairly and equally. This way the teacher is putting the students needs first which will pay off in the long run. Finally the teacher must learn to communicate with parents, they must be a culturally competent communicators  . This is essential because no body know the students better than their parents. They can provide lots of feedback on what their students thinks about the class environment, assignments and their general perception of the class.

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